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Common Pleas Court Reverses Ohio State Racing Commission Order

Published: Jan 03, 2018

Graff & McGovern represented a Standardbred trainer accused by the Ohio State Racing Commission of racing a horse that exceeded the regulatory threshold of a dopamine metabolite. However, the Commission never established what the threshold was of the dopamine metabolite. Judge Laurel Beatty Blunt agreed…


Denied a Medical Marijuana Cultivator License? Maybe Not.

Published: Dec 06, 2017

Every application received by the Ohio Department of Commerce for a cultivator license was reviewed and given a grade. The twelve top-graded applications in each category received a provisional license. Recent articles from the Cincinnati Enquirer, Cleveland Plain Dealer, and Columbus Dispatch have called into…


Ohio Casino Control Commission on the Move

Published: Dec 04, 2017

Recently, the Ohio Casino Control Commission, located at 10 West Broad Street in Columbus, learned its rent was increased for the calendar year 2018 by 67%, from $13.75 per square foot to $23 per square foot. As a result, the Casino Commission will move to…


370 Applicants for 60 Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Published: Nov 29, 2017

The Ohio Board of Pharmacy received 370 applications for the 60 medical marijuana dispensary licenses. There were 60 applications for five licenses allocated to Franklin County, 55 applications for Cuyahoga County’s five licenses, 22 applications for three licenses in Summit County, 19 applications for three…


Prevailing Wage Liability Conflict

Published: Nov 20, 2017

A subcontractor paid federal Davis-Bacon wage rates on a federally-funded project, but was found liable for the difference to state Prevailing Wages. Lake County owned a housing project, specifying state prevailing wages to be paid. Upon the subcontractor’s final pay application, the County refused to…


Contractor License Enforcement in Ohio

Published: Nov 20, 2017

In the October trades section meetings of the Ohio Construction Industry Licensing Board, members voted to move forward with disciplining 37 contractors for license violations. The Board is vigorously investigating contractors who sell their license, to allow unlicensed contractors to use a license when not…