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New Antitrust Appeal Option Available in Ohio

Published: Aug 09, 2017

The General Assembly passed into law an appeal mechanism for claims of antitrust activity in licensure proceedings before state boards. House Bill 49 enacted new Revised Code section 107.56 in response to a United States Supreme Court decision that a state dental board engaged in…


Tips for CCW License Holders During Traffic Stops

Published: Aug 01, 2017

CCW stands for carrying a concealed weapon. In Ohio, persons can obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun, pursuant to R.C. 2329.125. The CCW licensee (license holder) must comply with the laws of Ohio at all times. When stopped by law enforcement, the license…


Statute of Frauds Bars Construction Mechanics’ Lien

Published: Jul 26, 2017

In a split decision, an appellate court has ruled that a contractor cannot enforce a mechanics’ lien when Ohio’s statute of frauds invalidates the underlying contract. The contractor contended that he entered into an oral agreement with two homeowners to maintain a vacant lot, provided…


Will Concealed Guns Be Allowed In Schools, Day Cares, & Churches?

Published: Jul 17, 2017

Representative John Becker (R- Clermont County) sponsored House Bill 233, also known as the Decriminalization Effort for the Ending Notorious Deaths’ or DEFEND. Despite opposition from law enforcement, prosecutors, and business groups, HB 233 passed the Ohio House by an unofficial vote of 64-31. Under…


New Evidence Limited in Administrative Appeal

Published: Jul 11, 2017

The Court of Appeals for Cuyahoga County has denied a company from adding new evidence in its appeal of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities’ revocation of its certificate to provide non-medical transportation services to individuals. The Department cited the provider company in 2012 and…