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Does Ohio Administrative Code 4723-16-07 (C) Violate Due Process?

Published: Jun 19, 2017

Nurses working their way through the Ohio Board of Nursing’s hearing process should be aware of Ohio Administrative Code 4723-16-07 (C), which the Board can apply in a manner that arguably deprives nurses of due process.  The nursing license defense attorneys at Graff & McGovern…


Legislation: Workers’ Compensation Overhaul

Published: Jun 13, 2017

House Bill 269 if passed would change the name of the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation to the Office of Worker Safety and Rehabilitation. State Representative Mike Henne (R, Clayton) claims the Bill as introduced would overhaul the system while remaining neutral in affecting worker…


Will Medical Marijuana Help The Opioid Crisis In Ohio?

Published: Jun 09, 2017

Amol Soin, M.D., President of the State Medical Board of Ohio and member of the Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee, sees medical marijuana assisting the fight against Ohio’s opioid crisis On March 30, 2017, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, Governor John Kasich stated he didn’t…


Equine Boarding and Training: Protect Yourself!

Published: Jun 07, 2017

You take care of someone else’s horses.  Maybe they are boarded on your farm.  Maybe you train them.  The owner stops paying you.  What can you do?  This occurs all-to-often and the best way to protect yourself depends on your specific situation. Any person who…


Initial Claim Does Not Limit Damages for Construction Delay

Published: May 31, 2017

A Court of Appeals ruled that a contractor may recover proven damages, even though the initial claim was for less than the court ultimately awarded. An electrical contractor experienced impact damages when the general contractor repeatedly missed deadlines for temporary building enclosure. The electrical contractor…


Electric Separation Statute Enforced

Published: May 31, 2017

In a precedent-setting decision, the Ohio Supreme Court held that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio failed to enforce Ohio’s Corporate Separation Plan Statute by allowing a utility to offer non-utility electrical services in a competitive market. A provider of competitive retail electric service challenged…


Fanduel WANTS Fantasy Sports Regulated in Ohio!

Published: May 25, 2017

Fanduel sent me an e-mail the other night. They want me to “tell Ohio lawmakers that Ohioans support fantasy sports.”  They even had a link for me to click on, “a simple tool to contact my legislators.”  Fanduel does not want to see fantasy sports…


What are the New Pharmacy Technician Registration Requirements in Ohio?

Published: May 25, 2017

In Ohio, pharmacy technicians must be well trained. They complete extensive coursework, practice a range of duties, and learn about the complexities of psychopharmacology. Some even obtain certification through a nine or 12-month course. While the requirements for this career path can be intensive, there…


How Ohio Nurses Facing Disciplinary Charges Should Address the Board

Published: May 19, 2017

The nursing license defense attorneys at Graff & McGovern have represented hundreds of nurses in helping them through the Ohio Board of Nursing’s hearing process.  In doing so, our attorneys are always learning of different ways in which nurses without legal counsel, nurses with inexperienced…