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Administrative Agency Law

Ohio Pharmacy Board No Longer Enforcing DATA2000 Waiver Requirement for OBOT Owners

09.02.2023 in Administrative Agency Law, Government Affairs, Professional Licensure Defense

The Federal Government eliminated the “DATA-Waiver Program” as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, effective December 29, 2022. The relaxation of regulatory control signaled another step in the DEA’s stated goal of wanting: “medication for opioid use disorder to be readily and safely…

Ohio Medical Board Incorporates Few Changes to Proposed New Telemedicine Rules                                                                                                                                       

20.05.2022 in Administrative Agency Law, Government Affairs, Professional Licensure Defense

As a follow up to a prior article, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ohio State Legislature passed a law allowing the delivery of healthcare services information and communication technology, commonly referred to as “Telemedicine.” While Ohio did have some rules permitting a…