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Case Results

Construction Case Moot Without Stay

02.05.2017 in Case Results

A court dismissed a lengthy dispute over a conditional use permit because the construction at issue already was built while the party complaining was litigating. Local residents objected to a planned use permit issued by the local Planning Commission for construction of a parking lot….

General Contractor Tortiously Interfered with Subcontractor

02.05.2017 in Case Results

A general contractor which discharged a subcontractor, then hired the subcontractor’s employees, resulted in damages for the subcontractor’s lost profits. The general contractor originally hired a framing subcontractor, which then subcontracted the work to another framing sub-subcontractor. When the general contractor discharged the first-tier subcontractor,…

Court: Construction Building Permit Led to Breach of Contract

03.04.2017 in Case Results

A construction contractor agreed to install a chimney for a radiant wood-burning stove as part of a residential renovation. When construction began, the contractor refused to install the chimney near a combustible wall, as creating a fire hazard. Owner sued for breach of contract, having…

CGL Coverage Includes Subcontractor Workmanship

07.03.2017 in Case Results

A Court of Appeals found against a comprehensive general liability (CGL) insurer when an owner suffered water damages caused by faulty workmanship of a subcontractor. This result is opposite recent Ohio Supreme Court precedent which found that CGL coverage cannot be used for prime contractor…

Pre-Judgment Interest is Contractor’s Right

07.03.2017 in Case Results, Government Affairs

An excavating contractor is entitled of right to statutory Pre-Judgment Interest as damages on breach of contract to repair a sewer line. Post-judgment interest then applies to the damages total including the Pre-Judgment Interest. In this case, the City of Cleveland argued that the contractor…