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Immunity for Comfort Care Narrowed

02.02.2023 in Uncategorized

Late last year, the Tenth District Court of Appeals narrowed the application of the “comfort care” statute. Following this ruling, it remains imperative that healthcare professionals exercise independent medical judgment in end-of-life scenarios. Following a physician order is insufficient to grant a nurse or other…

Ohio OTPTAT Board Proposes “Safe Haven” Program for Licensees

05.07.2022 in Uncategorized

The Ohio Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Athletic Trainers Board is in the early stages of establishing a “safe haven” program for licensees and applicants and recently sent out a request for comment on draft administrative Rules. The proposed “safe haven” program would allow certain…

LPN Renewal Begins July 1, 2022

30.06.2022 in Uncategorized

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) will need to renew their Ohio license between July 1 and October 31, 2022. Ohio nurses are required to renew their licenses biennially. For LPNs, the biennial renewal period is open during even-numbered years (2020, 2022, etc.). The LPN Renewal Application…

Racing Commission’s Mistake Leads to Reversal on Appeal

11.03.2022 in Uncategorized

Last year, the Ohio State Racing Commission suspended our client’s license for 180 days and imposed a $500.00 fine. We appealed. Upon appeal, Ohio law requires the agency, in this case the Racing Commission, to certify a complete record of its proceedings for the court…

Ohio Department of Education Announces the Reinstatement License

15.02.2022 in Uncategorized

Educators now have to opportunity to become properly certified, while completing the requirements to renew their expired associate or professional licenses. The Ohio Department of Education (“the Department”) recently announced that educators may be eligible for a one-year, nonrenewable Reinstatement License if they meet specified…

Ohio Senate’s Health Committee Considers Permanent Change to Telemedicine Rules

30.09.2021 in Administrative Agency Law, Government Affairs, Professional Licensure Defense, Uncategorized

In the wake of the Ohio Medical Board’s latest temporary extension to the deferred enforcement of Ohio’s Telemedicine Rules, the Ohio State Legislature is contemplating a permanent expansion to the existing rules. On September 29, 2021, the Senate’s Health Committee held its second hearing on…