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Ohio Trade Association Lawyer


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Trade and professional associations allow membership to come together collectively to self-regulate, to promote their industry, and to advocate for policy changes benefiting the industry. An Ohio trade association lawyer can benefit associations fighting to protect their members’ interests.

About Ohio Trade Association Lawyers

Graff & McGovern offers skilled and experienced representation to trade associations for all of an associations’ government-related needs. Our team has a proven track record of representing a diverse range of trade associations to accomplish their goals and meet the needs of their members.

Services we offer for trade and professional associations include:


  • Writing policy papers and newsletters for association publications
  • Speaking to membership about key policy issues
  • Coaching members in content when meeting public officials


  • Drafting proposed legislation or administrative rules
  • Advocating for the passage of laws and policies by government bodies
  • Assisting with political action committee compliance and fundraising


  • Writing amicus curiae briefs to express statewide support
  • Providing knowledgeable interpretation of laws, rules, and policies
  • Advising how association members can comply with local, state, and federal laws

Our government affairs lawyers have extensive experience with government affairs at all levels local, state, and federal; legislative, executive agencies, and in court. Contact Graff & McGovern today at 614-228-5800, or use our online form, to learn how we can apply creative solutions to your trade or professional association’s government-related needs.

Legal Authority of Trade Associations

Under Ohio law, trade associations have specific powers and abilities to represent their constituent members. They can stand in the shoes of their membership for purposes of:

  • Lobbying the General Assembly
  • Lobbying government agencies
  • Litigation

A trade association enjoys First Amendment rights to speak for its membership interests. Typically, a trade association will develop policy positions and lobby public decision-makers to draft and enact statutes, or to draft or amend agency rules, consistent with trade association interests.

Conversely, a trade association may oppose a policy counter to its membership interests, such as a statute or rule that would be unduly burdensome to its members.

A trade association also can promote its membership interests in court by filing a friend of the court amicus curiae brief siding with one party in litigation. Additionally, the trade association can initiate an action in mandamus to force a government official to take action.

Why You Should Hire an Ohio Trade Association Lawyer

A qualified Ohio trade association lawyer can advise what an association can and cannot do on behalf of members, and pursue membership goals through effective and creative channels.
Typically, a lawyer-lobbyist will charge a trade association a periodic retainer to be available for a broad variety of services during a period of time. The work might include advice on the origin of certain laws; the opportunities in legislative, administrative, or judicial modification; and the process of building consensus, as well as drafting laws and policies that would benefit members.

Contact Graff & McGovern to learn more about the range of services we provide for trade and professional associations. To schedule an appointment, call 614-228-5800 or use our online form.